Peltier / TEC CPU cooling

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scole of TSBT
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#1 Peltier / TEC CPU cooling

Post by scole of TSBT »

Anyone ever use a Peltier / TEC device between the CPU and heatsink? I have one system with a i7 3770K, H100i hydro cooler and 2x 7970 GPUs. On this system I can run both GPUs and all 8 CPU threads wide open and the core temps go no higher than 60c. I have a very similar system with identical case, motherboard and CPU cooler, but CPU is i7 3770, 1x 7970 and 1x GTX 780. On this system, if I'm running the GPUs I can't run more than 4 cores or the temps go over 60c. If I ran 6 cores, temps would stay over 70c. Maybe bad CPU cooler? Was thinking of using a 60w Peltier cooler between the CPU and water block. Based on what I've read, the biggest issues are a) make sure you connect the TEC to a PCIe plug. Molex won't handle the load and b) if the core temp gets too low, you'll get condensation (water) which is obviously a problem. Opinions?

(btw, I've cleaned off the thermal compound, re-applied and re-installed the water block several times to make sure that wasn't the problem. Not sure it still isn't though. :? )

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