Boinc on native FreeBSD

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Dirk Broer
Posts: 1976
Joined: Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:24 pm
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#1 Boinc on native FreeBSD

Post by Dirk Broer »

ImageBoinc on native FreeBSD: The September 2022 completely compleated overview.
ProjectApplication Status32-bit Application?64-bit Application?
LHC@homeActiveNoneSixTrack 502.05 (avx)
SixTrack 502.05 (sse2)
sixtracktest (beta test) 502.05 (avx)
sixtracktest (beta test) 502.05 (sse2)
Theory Simulation 300.06 (vbox64_theory)
NFS@homeActiveNone14e Lattice Sieve 1.10
15e Lattice Sieve 1.10
15e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers 1.10
16e Lattice Sieve V5 1.10
16e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers 1.10
ОДЛК (ODLK)Activeodlk3@home 1.00
odlkmin@home 1.00
odlkmax@home 1.00
odlk3@home 1.00
odlkmin@home 1.00
odlkmax@home 1.00
ODLK1 (Latinsquares)Activeodlk3@home 1.00
odlkmax@home 1.00
odlk3@home 1.00
odlkmax@home 1.00
And, as they say on "World Community Grid will send Linux app to FreeBSD client. Make sure you have Linux emulation enabled and linux_base-fc4 port installed before attaching.
Most other Linux science apps runs on FreeBSD under Linux emulation. You may want to enable ALT option in the boinc-client port.*
Be sure you have elf fallback sysctl set!
Alternatively, you can download Linux app, brandelf it to Linux type, write a app_info.xml file for it and place it to the right place under /var/db/boinc."

*= The BOINC-client will either see 'i686-pc-freebsd' or 'x86_64-pc-freebsd' on boot, depending on your CPU architecture.
In order to get Linux apps you should have 'i686-pc-linux-gnu' and/or 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' as alternative platform(s).

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