Linux on ARM

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scole of TSBT
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#1 Linux on ARM

Post by scole of TSBT »

Do we have list of projects that support Linux on ARM, a raspberry pi?
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#2 Re: Linux on ARM

Post by Andrew »

We do.
Rather than my typing a list here that may be obsolete for future readers - check this link

I'm currently running Einstein@home on mine.
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Dirk Broer
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#3 Re: Linux on ARM

Post by Dirk Broer »

Linux on ARM: The August 2020 compleat completed overview.
ProjectApplication StatusARM/32 Application?ARM/64 Application?
Albert@HomeActiveBinary Radio Pulsar Search 1.06
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.42 (NEON)
Amicable NumbersActiveNoneAmicable Numbers up to 2^64
Amicable Numbers up to 10^20
Asteroids@homeActivePeriod Search Application 102.10None
Collatz ConjectureActiveMicro Collatz Conjecture 6.01None
Einstein@HomeActiveBinary Radio Pulsar Search 1.06
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.42 (NEON)
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.47 (NEON_Beta)
GoofyxGridActiveMonkeys v1 (NCI) - Generator/1 seed 19.00 (nci)
Monkeys v2 (NCI) - Seeker/1 seed 11.00 (nci)
Monkeys v3 (NCI) - Generator/Word seed 2.00 (nci)
Monkeys v4 (NCI) - Seeker/Word seed 8.00 (nci)
LHC@HomeActiveNonesixtracktest (beta test) 46.15 (sse2)
Radioactive@HomeActiveRadioactivity Monitor 1.78 (nci)None
TN-GridActivegene@home PC-IM 1.03
gene@home PC-IM 1.03 (vfpv3)
gene@home PC-IM 1.03 (vfpv4)
gene@home PC-IM 1.03
Universe@HomeActiveUniverse BHspin v2 0.01Universe ULX 0.07
Universe BHspin v2 0.01
WEP-M+2 ProjectActiveRandom-base WEP Factorization 1.15None
WUProp Data collect version 4ActiveData collect version 4.18
Data collect version 4.19
Data collect version 4.21
Data collect version 4.24
Yoyo@homeActiveCruncher ogr 519.02
Cruncher ogr 519.03
Cruncher ogr 519.04
ecm 705.01
ecm 705.01
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#4 Re: Linux on ARM

Post by Dirk Broer »

Linux on ARM: The September 2022 completely compleated overview.
ProjectApplication StatusARM/32 Application?ARM/64 Application?
Albert@HomeActiveBinary Radio Pulsar Search 1.06
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.42 (NEON)
Amicable NumbersActiveNoneAmicable Numbers up to 10^21 3.00
Asteroids@homeNot ActivePeriod Search Application 102.10None
Collatz ConjectureAlmost ActiveMicro Collatz Conjecture 6.01None
Denis@HomeNoneActiveBeta of DENIS-myocyte (beta test) 0.20
Einstein@HomeActiveBinary Radio Pulsar Search 1.06
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.47 (NEON_Beta)
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.61
Ithena.MeasurementsActiveiThena CNode (beta test) 1.17iThena CNode (beta test) 1.17
iThena OONI Probe 1.05
LHC@HomeActiveNoneSixTrack 502.05
sixtracktest (beta test) 502.05
LODAActiveNoneLODA 2209.12
MinecraftNot ActiveNoneSSG/One-Chunk/One-Block 1.7/1.8 1.01
MLC@HomeNot so ActiveMachine Learning Dataset Generator 9.90
Machine Learning Dataset Generator (test) 9.96
Radioactive@HomeActiveRadioactivity Monitor 1.78 (nci)None
RakesearchActiveRakeSearch for rank 10None
Rosetta@HomeActiveNoneRosetta 4.20
SiDock@HomeActiveCurieMarieDock on BOINC + zipped input 2.00
CurieMarieDock on BOINC + zipped input, checkpoints and progress bar 2.01
T.Brada Experimental GridActivePADLS Total 5.10
Lua Alfa (beta test) 0.04
Symmetric Prime Tuples 3.00
Symmetric Prime Tuples 3.00 (beta test)
TN-GridActivegene@home PC-IM 1.10
gene@home PC-IM 1.10 (vfpv3)
gene@home PC-IM 1.10 (vfpv4)
gene@home PC-IM 1.10
Universe@HomeActiveUniverse ULX 0.14
Universe BHspin v2 0.20
Neutron Star and Black Hole formation 0.03
WEP-M+2 ProjectActiveRandom-base WEP Factorization 1.15Random-base WEP Factorization 1.16
WUProp Data collect version 4ActiveData collect version 4.18
Data collect version 4.19
Data collect version 4.21
Data collect version 4.24
Yoyo@homeActiveCruncher ogr 519.02
Cruncher ogr 519.03
Cruncher ogr 519.04
ecm 705.01
ecm P2 705.01
ecm 705.01
ecm P2 705.01
Siever 145.03
M Queens 0.01
I can't obtain names and/or versions of WCG and Climate Prediction applications for Linux/ARM, but they are there.
Special award goes to Radioactive@Home, for offering ARMv5, ARMv6 and ARMv7 versions of their application for Linux.
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#5 Re: Linux on ARM

Post by Dirk Broer »

Linux on ARM/Aarch64: The June 2023 completely overhauled overview: what to do with your ARM/Aarch64 SBCs
ProjectApplication StatusARM/32 Application?Aarch/64 Application?
Albert@HomeNot activeBinary Radio Pulsar Search 1.06
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.42 (NEON)
Amicable NumbersActiveNoneAmicable Numbers up to 10^21 3.00
Asteroids@homeActivePeriod Search Application 102.13Period Search Application 102.14
Denis@HomeNoneBeta of DENIS-myocyte (beta test) 0.23
New human ventricular cell model 0.03
Human ventricular cell models optimization 0.02
Einstein@HomeActiveBinary Radio Pulsar Search 1.06
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.47 (NEON_Beta)
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.61
Ithena.MeasurementsActiveiThena CNode (beta test) 1.17iThena CNode (beta test) 1.17
iThena OONI Probe 1.05
LHC@HomeActiveNoneSixTrack 502.05
sixtracktest (beta test) 502.05
LODAActiveNoneLODA 2308.27
MLC@HomeNot ActiveMachine Learning Dataset Generator 9.90
Machine Learning Dataset Generator (test) 9.96
Radioactive@HomeActiveRadioactivity Monitor 1.78 (nci)None
Ralph@HomeActiveNoneRosetta 4.25
Rosetta@HomeActiveNoneRosetta 4.20
Rosetta Beta 6.00
SiDock@HomeActiveCurieMarieDock on BOINC + zipped input, checkpoints and progress bar 2.01
CurieMarieDock 0.2.0 long tasks 2.02
CurieMarieDock 0.2.0 short tasks 2.02
TN-GridActivegene@home PC-IM 1.10
gene@home PC-IM 1.10 (vfpv3)
gene@home PC-IM 1.10 (vfpv4)
gene@home PC-IM 1.10
Universe@HomeActiveUniverse ULX 0.14
Universe BHspin v2 0.20
Neutron Star and Black Hole formation 0.02
Neutron Star and Black Hole formation 0.03
WEP-M+2 ProjectActiveRandom-base WEP Factorization 1.15Random-base WEP Factorization 1.16
World Community GridActive?Open Pandemics-COVID-19
WUPropActiveData collect version 4.19
Data collect version 4.31
Data collect version 4.24
Data collect version 4.31
Yoyo@homeActiveecm 705.01
ecm P2 705.01
ecm 705.01
ecm P2 705.01
Siever 145.03
Climate Prediction is without ARM application at the moment.

Special award goes -again- to Radioactive@Home, for offering ARMv5, ARMv6 and ARMv7 versions of their application for Linux and even having an app for Linux on MIPSel.
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#6 Re: Linux on ARM

Post by Dirk Broer »

A word of warning: having ARM Applications on a project does not mean that you'll be able to run them on your board, -unless it is WEP-M+2.
It looks like some developers test it on systems with either more RAM than 4GB, or only test it with one WU running and completing and then declare it OK for the wild.

Drowning your Odroid-N2+ (six cores, with 4GB RAM in my case) in the various 64-bit ARM apps leads to a complete standstill in a week.
Same for a 4GB Rock Pi 4B (six cores, 4GB).
Same for two 4GB Raspberry Pi 4's (four cores, 4GB).
Same for a 4GB Jetson Nano (four cores, 4GB).
I didn't even try with my 2GB Jetson Nano....let alone with my 1Gb Raspberry Pi 3's!

Stupid thing is that the 32-bit control group (an octa-core 2GB Odroid XU4, so a mere 256MB per core) has no problems at all running the 32-bit ARM/Linux apps.
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#7 Linux on ARM: "The return of the 32-bit squadron"

Post by Dirk Broer »

Dirk Broer wrote: Sat Jul 01, 2023 12:16 pmStupid thing is that the 32-bit control group (an octa-core 2GB Odroid XU4, so a mere 256MB per core) has no problems at all running the 32-bit ARM/Linux apps.
That finding was the start for "The return of the 32-bit squadron".

As the Odroid-XU4 effortlessly crunched its way through Universe@Home, SiDock@Home and Asteroids@Home, running all these three projects along each other without any problems, I paid closer attention to it. And while Asteroids@Home -the very same project that crashed half the 64-bit squadron- paid s*#t, SiDock@Home paid better and Universe@Home appeared downright generous with credits!

So the experimental department quickly refurbished the ASUS Tinker Board, to crunch only Universe@Home. And where WEP-M+2 in the past paid a daily 900-1000 credits, Universe@Home now does around 9000! So I decided to re-launch my 64-bit Cortex-A53 Raspberry Pi 3B's for that purpose too -and with the same success, credits per Watt-wise.
Based upon this I converted my 64-bit Cortex-A55 Odroid-M1 to be able to crunch 32-bit apps too, and it is now on its way to best the Tinker Board in its daily scores!
Now my 32-bit Cortex-A15 BeagleBone-AI is at it too, and the 64-bit Cortex-A72/A53 Rock Pi 4B is waiting in the docks, as are the 64-bit Cortex-A57 nVidia Jetson Nano's. I might even want to re-launch the 32-bit Cortex-A9 Hummingboard and the 32-bit Cortex-A5 Odroid-C1....
Only time will tell which system is the most suited to crunch Universe@Home, but 32-bit is no handicap here -yet.
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#8 Re: Linux on ARM

Post by Dirk Broer »

The result figures are still climbing after a relapse of the Universe server, but here are the figures for the 32-bit squad as per today 20240108:
  • BeagleBone-AI (dual core Cortex-A15): 4,035 credits/day
  • Asus Tinker Board (quad core Cortex-A17): 8,086 credits/day
  • Odroid-XU4 (quad core Cortex-A15/quad core Cortex-A7): 8,923 credits/day
These values hover a bit for the Tinker Board and the XU4 (between 7800 and 9100), but the BeagleBone-AI is still climbing slowly.
I quitted crunching Asteroids@Home on the Odroid-XU4, so it only crunches SiDock@Home and Universe@Home now.

Longer crunching 64-bitters, still on the rise and climbing a tad faster than the BeagleBone-AI (especially the Odroid-M1)
  • Raspberry Pi 3 (quad core Cortex-A53): 2,772 credits/day
  • Raspberry Pi three (quad core Cortex-A53): 4,421 credits/day
  • Odroid-M1 (quad core Cortex-A55): 9,354 credits/day
The Raspberry Pi 3 previously crunched SiDock@Home but the Odroid-XU4 is much better in that, so the Pi 3 went to Universe@Home.

and here for the last converted 64-bitters, that began later with Universe@Home and climb still faster:
  • Raspberry Pi 400 (quad core Cortex-A72): 3,409 credits/day
  • Raspberry Pi 4 8GB (quad core Cortex-A72): 3,480 credits/day
  • Jetson Nano 2GB (quad core Cortex-A57): 4,059 credits/day
  • Jetson Nano 4GB (quad core Cortex-A57): 6,680 credits/day
The 2GB Jetson Nano was the lastly converted and much celebrated at the experimental department, as it now combines -thanks to Muhammad Yunus,
IoT Engineer, Software Developer & Machine Learning Enthusiast- both CUDA and OpenCL for its GPU. For the time being it is as useful as a 100 TOPS NPU/TPU for BOINC running Linux/ARM (or even Windows), but who knows....
The two Raspberry Pi 4's are the latest additions to the Universe task force
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#9 Re: Linux on ARM: How to lie with statistics

Post by Dirk Broer »

As SiDock@Home is presently without work the Odroid-XU4 now runs Universe@Home exclusively, so the credit tables have been shaken up.
I also keep converting 64-bit ARM SBCs to take 32-bit work, so the list is getting longer and longer.

The top-3 ARM systems, pure credit-wise:
  1. Odroid-XU4 12,446
  2. Raspberry Pi 4 8GB 12,273
  3. Raspberry Pi 400 10,911
The top-3 ARM systems, credit per core wise:
  1. Raspberry Pi 4 8GB 3,068
  2. Raspberry Pi 400 2,728
  3. Odroid-M1 2,413
The top-3 ARM systems, credit per Watt wise:
  1. Raspberry Pi 400 1,679
  2. Odroid-M1 1,399
  3. Raspberry Pi three 1,234
The top-3 ARM systems, credit per core per Watt wise:
  1. BeagleBone-AI 456
  2. Raspberry Pi 400 420
  3. Odroid-M1 350
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#10 Re: Linux on ARM

Post by Dirk Broer »

How to lie with statistics, part two.
The top-5 ARM systems now, pure credit-wise:
  1. Odroid-N2+ 17,410
  2. Raspberry Pi 4 8GB 15,858
  3. Odroid-XU4 15,053
  4. Raspberry Pi 400 14,424
  5. Jetson Nano 4GB 10,062
The top-5 ARM systems now, credit per core wise:
  1. Raspberry Pi 4 8GB 3,965
  2. Raspberry Pi 400 3,606
  3. Odroid-N2+ 2,902
  4. Jetson Nano 4GB 2,516
  5. Odroid-M1 2,427
The top-5 ARM systems now, credit per Watt wise:
  1. Raspberry Pi 400 2,219
  2. Odroid-N2+ 1,741
  3. Odroid-M1 1,407
  4. Raspberry Pi 8GB 1,367
  5. Raspberry Pi three 1,193
The top-5 ARM systems now, credit per core per Watt wise:
  1. Raspberry Pi 400 555
  2. BeagleBone-AI 472
  3. Odroid-M1 352
  4. Raspberry Pi 8GB 342
  5. Raspberry Pi three 298
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#11 Re: Linux on ARM

Post by Dirk Broer »

There have been some changes in the supply of applications catering for ARM-powered boards, and not for the better.

Linux on Armhf/Aarch64: The February 2024 completely overhauled and revised overview: what to do with your Armhf/Aarch64 SBCs
ProjectApplication StatusARM/32 Application?Aarch/64 Application?
Albert@HomeNot activeBinary Radio Pulsar Search 1.06
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.42 (NEON)
Amicable NumbersActiveNoneAmicable Numbers up to 10^21 3.00
Asteroids@homeActivePeriod Search Application 102.13Period Search Application 102.14
Denis@HomeNoneBeta of DENIS-myocyte (beta test) 0.23*
New human ventricular cell model 0.03*
Human ventricular cell models optimization 0.02
Einstein@HomeActiveBinary Radio Pulsar Search 1.06**
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.47 (NEON_Beta)**
Binary Radio Pulsar Search 1.61*
Ithena.MeasurementsNot ActiveiThena CNode (beta test) 1.17iThena CNode (beta test) 1.17
iThena OONI Probe 1.05
LHC@HomeActiveNoneSixTrack 502.05
sixtracktest (beta test) 502.05*
LODANot ActiveNoneLODA 2308.27
MLC@HomeNot ActiveMachine Learning Dataset Generator 9.90
Machine Learning Dataset Generator (test) 9.96
Radioactive@HomeActiveRadioactivity Monitor 1.78 (nci)None
Ralph@HomeNot ActiveNoneRosetta 4.27
Rosetta@HomeActiveNoneRosetta 4.20**
Rosetta Beta 6.04*
SiDock@HomeActiveCurieMarieDock on BOINC + zipped input, checkpoints and progress bar 2.01***
CurieMarieDock 0.2.0 long tasks 2.02***
CurieMarieDock 0.2.0 short tasks 2.02
TN-GridActive Again!gene@home PC-IM 1.10
gene@home PC-IM 1.10 (vfpv3)
gene@home PC-IM 1.10 (vfpv4)
gene@home PC-IM 1.10
Universe@HomeSemi-ActiveUniverse ULX 0.14*
Universe BHspin v2 0.20
Neutron Star and Black Hole formation 0.02*
Neutron Star and Black Hole formation 0.03**
WEP-M+2 Project
Random-base WEP Factorization 1.15Random-base WEP Factorization 1.16
World Community GridActive?Open Pandemics-COVID-19**
WUPropActiveData collect version 4.19
Data collect version 4.31
Data collect version 4.24
Data collect version 4.31
Yoyo@homeActiveecm 705.01***
ecm P2 705.01***
ecm 705.01***
ecm P2 705.01***
Siever 145.03
* = no work
** = hard to get, if at all
*** = takes too long to run
Special award goes -again- to Radioactive@Home, for offering ARMv5, ARMv6 and ARMv7 versions of their application for Linux and even having an app for Linux on MIPSel.
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